From the District Governor
Celebrating Rotary as We Continue Our Race

DG Court with RI President Barry Rassin and RC of North Fulton President Cliff Wilcox

DG Court with RI President Barry Rassin and RC of North Fulton President Cliff Wilcox

Join the Race to Sandestin to share fellowship with friends like Rotarian Brigitte Cabeza Shanken, pictured here in DG Court's race car

Join the Race to Sandestin to share fellowship with friends like Rotarian Brigitte Cabeza Shanken, pictured here in DG Court's race car

The second half of our Rotary Year offers many opportunities for celebrating Rotary - an RI President's visit to our district, PETS and our District Training Assembly, and a variety of club socials and fundraisers. And, of course, the much anticipated celebration with Smokey and the Bandit at our district conference in Sandestin this April!

A Special Presidential Visit: In February, we were honored to welcome RI President Barry Rassin to District 6900 - with a wonderful Interact Conference, a special Saturday meeting of the Rotary Club of Roswell, and a reception hosted by PDG Bob Hagan. Thanks to Roswell Rotary Club's President Becky Nelson and District Interact Chair Barbara Henigin for all their efforts with the Interact Conference - and to all the Rotarians who came out on a Saturday to welcome RIP Barry to our district. You can read more about this later in the newsletter.

Getting Ready for the Future: We opened up March with our Georgia PETS (President Elect and President Nominee Training) - great new Rotary Leaders from clubs all over our State gathering to plan for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 Rotary Years. In District 6900, they'll be led and encouraged by DGE Jim Squire and DGN Kirk Driskell. PETS would not have been successful without our amazing leadership trainers, PDG Claudia Mertl, and Alpharetta's Lori and Rory Young - or without the hard work of PDG Cheryl Greenway, PDG Margie Kersey, Fayette Daybreak's Carol Stallings and Roswell's Elwyn Gaissert running the show! And I hope all of you will consider traveling to Columbus, GA for District Training Assembly on Saturday, March 30. You can read more about it in this newsletter too - and you can register on the District website.

Showcasing This Rotary Year: While our next generation of leaders were being trained, our current Club Presidents are working hard with their teams to showcase their accomplishment for this Rotary Year. Our awards deadline was Friday, March 8, and we hope to have lots of projects and pictures to share at District Conference! Contact PDG Raymond Ray if you have questions.

Keep Our Rotary Foundation Work Going: District Grant Chair and DGND Mary Ligon wants to remind all clubs the deadline for closing your grant is 3/30/19. And Foundation Chair PDG Margie Kersey and I want to encourage you to keep giving to The Rotary Foundation to support our future work to make a difference in the world!

Catch Smokey and the Rotary Bandit at District Conference - April 25-28 in Sandestin, Florida: Smokey and the Rotary Bandit are planning some serious FUN in Sandestin and we sure hope you will be joining us! For example, on Thursday night you can join in the Grand Prix Big Wheels Race and on Saturday afternoon you'll be treated to a show by the USA Advanced Aerobatics team. Not to mention an amazing rendition of the National Anthem, some inspiring speakers and great fellowship. Read more and register on the District Website

On March 15th registration will go from $260 to $290. I realize that a lot of you wait until the last minute to register; however, why not do it now and save the money. You can then donate the extra $30 per person to the Rotary Foundation - or use it to have fun in Sandestin. Seriously, early registrations allow us to plan better and present you with a better conference. There are some items you might not be aware of. Last month we listed some of those items that were included in your room charges. There are several other items that you should be aware of:

  1. Parking is always included in your room charges.
  2. Use of local trams is included.
  4. We are working with all the local vendors and hope to have significant discounts for shopping and restaurants within the SanDestin village complex, Silver Sands mall, and potentially the Boulevard shops. We should have an answer to these items in the next week or so.

With all considered, this conference will be fun for the whole family. Catch Smokey, the Rotary Bandit, Miss Frog and the Snowman in Sandestin this April! You won't regret it!

So, come out and join us along the road to celebrate Rotary this spring. And keep moving on all the wonderful work you're doing to Be the Inspiration!

Posted by Court Dowis, Jr.
March 6, 2019


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