RI Convention
D6900 Rotarians Enjoy Their Time in Toronto

Now DG Court Dowis, now PDG Alec Smythe, PDG Cheryl Greenway, Past RI Director Robert Hall, PDG Fran Milberg, PDG Bob Hagan and now DGE Jim Squire at our district's special dinner

Now DG Court Dowis, now PDG Alec Smythe, PDG Cheryl Greenway, Past RI Director Robert Hall, PDG Fran Milberg, PDG Bob Hagan and now DGE Jim Squire at our district's special dinner

More than 60 District 6900 Rotarians and family members attended this year's Rotary International Convention in Toronto, Canada. We were treated to amazing entertainment and speaker's - including Former First Lady Laura Bush and many more.

Dr. Jessie Legros of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody facilitated one of the breakout sessions on Undetected Bias. The session was so popular that people were turned away from both sessions in the 300-seat breakout room and RI scheduled a third session which drew another 300 people.

Barry Oxford from the Rotary Club of Carrollton-Dawnbreakers arranged a special dinner that the District 6900 Family could attend at a Brazilian Steakhouse! Everyone enjoyed the evening.

You can join the fun next year in Hamburg, Germany - June 1 to June 5. Registering now will save you money!

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
July 7, 2018


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